Carlos Mínguez Oliva

Carlos Mínguez Oliva

Asesor Legal
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Nuestra presentación y detalle de servicios en http // conveyancing solicitors and taxes property purchase legal representation. many spanish lawyers in areas with many foreigners speak excellentlo. english or other languages. they are accustomed to dealing with foreign residents and their special problems, including property purchases. (“you and the law in spain. david searl. santana books) carlos mínguez oliva is a spanish lawyer specialized in urban developmentlo. law and litigation on civil order. from murcia is covering murcia and area in murcia costa cálida and resorts in this area.(head office in murcia C/. marín baldo número 1, 2ºentresuelo. (district postal code 30.001). direct mobile number +34.696637527 call us for an appointmet on our chamber or a remote comunication (internet) http //


C/. Marin Baldo, 1. 2º Entlo. ., Murcia
Código postal


Nuestra presentación y detalle de servicios en http // conveyancing solicitors and taxes property purchase legal representation. many spanish lawyers in areas with many foreigners speak excellentlo. english or other languages. they are accustomed to dealing with foreign residents and their special problems, including property purchases. (“you and the law in spain. david searl. santana […]


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Tarjeta y transferencia bancaria



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